
the Melt Shop saw a 70% decrease in refunds related to quality

How Gritsee increased ratings & reviews for Melt Shop by eliminating errors and improving the guest experience...

David Rusk
General Manager

The Gritsee Solution

Gritsee quickly integrated with the existing cameras in the Melt shop's kitchens. By providing our Weekly Insights Report and collating order data with video recordings, Melt Shop had uncovered blind spots on the prep line that accounted for preventable errors. 

Melt Shop’s corporate team was now able to identify the employee preparing each meal within minutes, or view quality statistics across the board and at each location.

This visibility allowed for fast conflict resolution, immediate follow-up, and personalized training. Based on Gritsee’s images, Melt Shop observed areas that were attributing to negative reviews. By identifying the underlying issue of their negative reviews, Melt Shop was able to swiftly course correct. 

The Result

As a result, Melt Shop locations saw a 70% decrease in quality related refunds. The Melt Shop locations leveraging both Gritsee and Tattle solutions have an awareness of areas of improvement and are able to reduce errors and optimize operations.

Hours in staff time saved by having data at their fingertips.

Location managers had greater details as to when and how orders had been prepared or packaged incorrectly.

Eliminating lengthy follow-ups within those locations saved corporate staff hours in weekly email outreach.

Domino effect eliminated negative reviews across the board. 

With Gritsee’s help, Melt Shop implemented training tools to improve staff operations.

Eliminating these negative customer experiences affected not just the covered delivery orders but also how standard operations are running.

“We went from 34 to #1 in one of the main industry benchmarks we follow” - 

Refunds reduction average from ~$173+ to ~$22 on a bi weekly basis. (~$650 monthly) Over $600 in monthly refund savings - $150 weekly savings on refunds alone

By eliminating negative customer follow-ups within those locations, saving corporate staff hours in weekly email outreach.

Gritsee brings a revolutionary management system to all restaurants, providing actionable, industry-focused, and advanced data analysis support to help restaurant owners to make smart decisions and achieve their business success.

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